Tuesday, July 29, 2014

1000 Islands Tour

Over the weekend I had the chance to check out the 1000 Islands (which I learned is marketing speak for the 1,864 Islands. Close enough).

Aside from being flat out beautiful (some of the nicest vistas I've seen outside of Muskoka). It's also got some really cool touristy stuff to do.

We went on the 1000 Islands Tower. It's 40 storeys high. Did I mention I had a fear of heights growing up? Thankfully, I think God has helped me deal with most of that... it's still there a little though...

From the top, you can see everything! It really is hard to describe just how beautiful it actually is. You really should check it out.
This is the view from the top (above). The picture of the ground is my favourite though. If you look really close, the speck next to the grey SUV/ Van is a person too scared to come up! I don't think the picture quite does the "butterflies in the stomach" feeling justice. But, that's the closest we can get.

After we spent some time in the realm of birds, we returned to the ground and then hit the water on a 1 hour cruise. 

I loved the scenery, but I might have liked the houses more. Some really creative architecture. I guess if you are living on a private island, you have the cash for a fancy house and well landscaped lawn. One of the houses had a bridge to a very tiny island. The house is in Canada and the island is in the U.S.A. There's a conversation piece!

All in all, I can't recommend a trip to the 1000 Islands enough!

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