Friday, October 10, 2014


I've been thinking a lot about Thanksgiving recently. Probably because it's this weekend. Also because I have a thing for turkey, potatoes and gravy followed by a slab of pumpkin cheese cake (you only live once... hence the slab).

Along with the fantasies of my plate stacked with perfection in bird form, I've been thinking about the food bank.

I know, talk about having two opposing thoughts.

We are so blessed to be able to have Thanksgiving meals. Some people flat out can't. They aren't even necessary "poor" either.

I knew someone that had a job... that was just making ends meet. That was it. They couldn't get any more work due to personal reasons (single parent). Thanksgiving would have been a luxury at that time in their life. Thankfully, the food bank was there for them.

The store I do most of my grocery shopping at has a drop off bin... that I've never even noticed before. How many other people walk past it? What would happen if everyone saw it and put food in it?

If you enjoy Thanksgiving, I want to challenge you to share that joy with others. Take something to one of the drop boxes. Pop a donation off to your local chapter. Whatever. Do it for the poor, the ones going through hard times or just because it's the right thing to do.


P.S - That picture has me even more excited about Sunday...

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