Friday, September 7, 2012

Bible Movies Everywhere

Bible movies. There are a lot of them in the works. Rumors of a new movie based on Moses.
A David epic on the way... and Will Smith turning Able and Cain into Vampires.
Aside from the last one, I'm stoked! At first I was a little worried that they would mess with the story too much (it is the 21st century), then I watched "The 10 Commandments."
It's a classic to most Christians... with a LOT of license taken. A LOT.
Which made me realize poetic license is going to happen. Let's just hope there's not too much (ahem, Will Smith)

I'm most excited for Noah.
It stars Russell Crowe as the title character with Anthony Hopkins as Methuselah. March of 2014 is a long wait, but I'm hoping it will be worth it. At the very least, I will put some faces to the names.

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