Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Winter Circa 1700

Chances are good you got snow today. Schools have closed, stores have closed, roads have closed. While going for a walk in the low visibility winter wonderland today, it occurred to me what sacrifices pioneers actually made. Think about it: we get 7 inches(?) of snow and everything shuts down. Sure we can still function, but chances are good you and I will be more likely to cancel our appointments and relax in our nice warm homes than venture out into the white unknown. The pioneers didn't have this luxury. They had to hunt for food, build their homes and raise their families rain or shine, snow or hail. I'm outside complaining that there is snow in my boots (if you've ever seen my boots you'd know that the snow must be deep) where as these guys had to put up with all the cold, snow and wet boots just to survive. Thank-fully they put up with it like they did so that we could have the country that we do today, furnaces and all.
Which is why Ground Hog Day was likely invented... to provide some hope for Spring!


  1. Online social buitterfly who is oblivious to the real worldFebruary 3, 2011 at 6:42 AM

    i dont believe that bologna! there was never a time in history when people didnt have cars computers cell phones & facebook... the "pioneers" never exsisted, it's a hoax! dont be fooled our country was not founded by "pioneers" it was founded by the guy who invented facebook!
