Tuesday, February 3, 2015


David Oyelowo says that God told him to play Martin Luther King Jr in the film Selma. When someone says something like that, I will hold them too it. In fact, my expectations are doubled.

I had really high expectations going into Selma.

It exceeded them all.

I haven't been moved by a movie to that extent in a long time. It leaves a mark on you. Makes you look at the world a little differently than you did when you went into it.

It did for me at least.

The part that stuck out to me the most, was King. He was a guy that wanted to make a change.
He dedicated his life to a cause that he felt called to. He put his career, reputation and even his life on the line. Selma shows that. What it also shows is the faith that motivated him to do that in the first place.

And David Oyelowo nails the performance.

It may be tricky to find a showing (limited release by the look of it). However if you can find a showing, check it out. It's more than worth the price of admission.

All that praise aside, there is some content that you may want to be in the loop about - http://www.pluggedin.ca/movies/intheaters/selma.aspx

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