Friday, November 9, 2012

Ghost Pepper Sauce

Eating a ghost pepper is on my bucket list. I really like hot food, so why not tackle the hottest pepper on Earth?
Earlier this week a few friends joined me at a Mexican Restaurant for some lunch. Said restaurant has a promotion on right now involving Ghost Peppers... in sauce form at least.

If you've never heard of the Ghost, it's one below pepper spray on the spice meter.

On the burrito I had Ghost Pepper Sauce, Hot Sauce and Hot Sauce (I said I like it hot)

Here's what happened.

Bite #1 - Mmmmmmmm burrito......

Bite #2 - Mmmmmmmm spicy burrito

Bite #3 - This is sorta disappointing, I've had hotter sausages...

Bite #4 - Lips begin to tingle

Bite #5 - My entire mouth burns with the fire of the sun. I can't feel my tounge

Swig of milk

Bite #6 - My tongue has exploded with flavors all of which burn. My lips feel like they are on fire.

More milk

Bite #7 - I'm in tears. I don't know if they were of joy, pain or the natural response of the body as it gives into the power of so much spice.

Down half the large milk

Bite #8 - What does it feel like to not have your mouth on fire? I can't remember... what is sweet? Salty? Bitter? I know nothing but heat. Heat and the embrace of the ghost pepper mixed with hot sauce and spicy sausage (ya... I guess I asked for it)

Bite # 10? - Make it stop... plese... mak...i...stjdp

Empty milk

Would I do it again? I wish I would say no... but if Bieber taught us one thing.
Never Say Never.
If you like it hot, give some ghost pepper a try. It's good... when you can taste it.

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