Monday, June 15, 2015


I seem to have a thing for sandwiches. I didn't realize I did until recently when I went almost a month of bringing them to work.

They're easy to make, easy to transport and really have unlimited options when it comes to ingredients.

One of my favourite sandwiches is the grilled cheese. Seriously, there's so much to love! It gets even better when you start throwing extra ingredients into it.

Suffice it to say I got pretty excited when I found out there was a grilled cheese restaurant 4 minutes from my house!

On Saturday, I made the plunge. Their menu filled with all kinds of weird and wonderful creations. I settled on what I felt like mowing down. A cheddar, cream cheese, bacon and jalapeño pepper sandwich. Cream Cheese and Bacon... and Cheddar. O.K. That sounds like a horrible mix... but they are selling it, so it must be o.k.

Man, was it great! I was almost sad when I ran out of sandwich!

I guess the moral of the story is throw as much stuff as you can between two slices of bread and it will eventually taste great!

Also, the next time you make a grilled cheese, slap some bacon and cream cheese in there. It's better than it sounds.

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