Monday, September 15, 2014


I had a rude surprise awaiting me this morning. No, it wasn't a mess made by my cat (if it was, it would have been a shock. I don't have a cat). Wasn't some sort of dilemma facing my young child (same deal as the cat).

It was an open glove compartment in my car.

I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but I never use my glove compartment. Ever. Why would it be open?

Better question. Why were the contents of said glove box and all other compartments... strewn all over the passenger seat?

Answer - I forgot to lock my doors the night before.

Someone decided they would "break in" (using the term loosely here) for the $1.50 I had. Thankfully, they only took the money (however, left the nice collection of pennies I haven't figured out what to do with... drat!).

I felt a lot of things when I realized what had happened.

Fear - Was this person still there? Were they watching me?

Concern - What was gone? Was it really just the money?

Worry About Being Late For Work - Great, now I have a mess to clean up before I leave for work.

Anger - They guy (or gal) could have at least cleaned up. Maybe left a note.
I'm not kidding either. I would have been less mad if they had said "Sorry, need bus fare, girlfriend left me. Thanks for the change."
I don't mind helping someone out (them stealing isn't cool, but at least I wouldn't have the nagging "why?")

Violated - This is the only feeling that I still have. This person walked up to my car, threw the door open and started going through my stuff. It's in the past. I can't do anything about it. I didn't even know it happened until this morning.

There's no real resolve to this post. I wish there was. However, I don't even have one.

It just sucks. Flat out. I know this post has a bit of a joking tone, but that's the only way I can get any relief out of the story. Trying to find the humour.

Keep your doors locked. That's all I can say.

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